Research Article
Changes in the Ghanaian schools’ mathematics curriculum – Exploring the need to raise awareness in the integration of the history of mathematical concepts as a pedagogical tool
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1 PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION2 AKENTEN APPIAH-MENKA UNIVERSITY OF SKILLS TRAINING AND ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT3 Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills, Technology and Entrepreneurial Development, Kumasi, Ghana4 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 4(1), 2024, 1-12,
Published: 22 May 2024
OPEN ACCESS 559 Views 607 Downloads
Author Contributions: K. K. Agbozo conceived the study and wrote the manuscript; E. Bonyah reviewed the manuscript and provided the needed suggestions; and L. J. Clark provided further input in the review processes. All participants consented to participate in the study voluntarily.
Data Availability Statement: The data of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Data Availability Statement: The data of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
There have been frequent changes to the Ghanaian mathematics curriculum content but with little or no regard for the pedagogical strategies to deliver the content. It was, therefore, important to explore teachers' awareness of integrating the history of mathematical concepts as a pedagogical strategy in teaching mathematics. The study employed the interpretive paradigm, using the qualitative inductive approach of an explorative case study with eight participating secondary school mathematics teachers. The interviews were conducted and transcribed for analysis using content analysis. The results indicated that while most teachers were enthusiastic about the use of the history of mathematical concepts as a strategy, they hardly employed it as a critical approach to teaching mathematics, and those who were aware of it merely used it as a form of introduction to their lessons. This limited the level of engagement of learners in the history of mathematical concepts in learning mathematics. Conclusions and recommendations were discussed.
AGBOZO, K. K., Bonyah, E., & Clark, L. J. (2024). Changes in the Ghanaian schools’ mathematics curriculum – Exploring the need to raise awareness in the integration of the history of mathematical concepts as a pedagogical tool. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 4(1), 1-12.
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