Research Article

Study on Assessment and Improvement of Physical Fitness and Health Concept and Satisfaction of College Students with Different Goal Setting by Cooperative Learning: A Case Study of Health and Body Sculpting Course of Feng Chia University

Tasi-chu Wang 1 *
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1 Physical Education Center, Feng Chia University, Taichung 407, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), September 2022, 17-24,
Published: 30 September 2022
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This study was to carried out to explore the effects of different goal setting on physical fitness, health concepts, and satisfaction of college students on cooperative learning with 53 participants (students) in two classes during one year. The improvement in physical fitness was observed in body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumference, sit-up reach, and 800/1600 meters running. Female students’ muscle endurance improved significantly with one-minute sit-ups but their waist and hip circumferences were longer than those in the weight management group. Students showed the highest scores in the dimension of well-being and the lowest score in the clinical concept of health. The satisfaction survey result showed that teachers' instruction was more effective than self-learning. In conclusion, cooperative learning allowed students to improve learning motivation, thereby improving physical fitness and learning effectiveness. It was verified that cooperative learning had a positive and significant impact on the satisfaction of students. The cooperative learning teaching mode can be applied to other physical education courses. Increasing the number of related physical education courses will improve the opportunities to improve the quality of the courses.


Wang, T.-C. (2022). Study on Assessment and Improvement of Physical Fitness and Health Concept and Satisfaction of College Students with Different Goal Setting by Cooperative Learning: A Case Study of Health and Body Sculpting Course of Feng Chia University. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), 17-24.