Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2022

Review Article
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders/Difficulties in the School Context and the Role of ICTs: A Literature Review
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), September 2022, 1-11, https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2022v02.03.0001
Research Article
Comprehensive Self-evaluation of Teacher’s Literacy for Students Directed to Rural Schools
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), September 2022, 12-16, https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2022v02.03.0002
Research Article
Study on Assessment and Improvement of Physical Fitness and Health Concept and Satisfaction of College Students with Different Goal Setting by Cooperative Learning: A Case Study of Health and Body Sculpting Course of Feng Chia University
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), September 2022, 17-24, https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2022v02.03.0003
Research Article
Vocational High School Teachers’ Identification with Core Competency of 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines and Its Pedagogical Transformation - Teaching Experience as Study
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), September 2022, 25-33, https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2022v02.03.0004