
Inaugural Message from the Editors-in-Chief

Shane Tutwiler 1, Charles Tijus 2, Chun-Yen Chang 3 *
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1 University of Rhode Island, USA2 Université Paris 8, France3 National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 1(1), December 2021, 1-2, https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2021v01.01.0001
Published: 20 March 2021
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Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (EIET) is a scientific and technological journal of the International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention, Singapore (IIKII).
In the digital age, EIET covers the design, the building, the usages and the evaluation of cognitive technologies that favor the process of inquiry-based learning, knowledge and know-how acquisition, deep understanding and explainability as well as critical thinking through the use of adapted devices for collaborative teaching, learning and assessment.
1. Mission Statement
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly, international open-access journal. EIET publishes works that have the scope to substantively address current education trends, challenges, and developments in educational technology likely to impact learning, teaching, and creative inquiry. The journal aims to highlight research that can leverage emerging technological innovations in the service of educational development to contribute to ongoing and constantly evolving discussions regarding the purposes of education at the policy and practitioner levels.
2. History
Historically, teaching and learning have involved various cycles of direct, indirect, and group-based instruction. Students and teachers were co-located, and inquiry-based learning, when it did occur, was conducted via (and often limited by the availability of) physical tools and kits. Then, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, research lines in the cognitive, educational, and learning sciences resulted in a gradual restructuring of classrooms, learning, and teaching processes. Ever-evolving technological innovations and scaffolds were proposed along the way, some providing supports for collaborative learning and assessment, and others helping to assist neurologically, and physically diverse students learn to the best of their abilities. While some targeted interventions showed promise, many failed to achieve their promised impacts.
And then, the world changed, and educational processes were forced to change with it. Almost overnight, centuries-old modalities have been rendered obsolete. Instruction is often fully remote or conducted over a combination of in-person and remote (hybrid) days. Teachers, students, and parents at all primary, secondary, and post-secondary education levels have had to rapidly master a dizzying combination of hardware and software to support learning. As the world faces the pandemic of Covid-19, educational processes will remain disrupted and face new long-term challenges.
3. Value Statement
Now, more than ever, rigorous research on innovations and emerging technologies are needed in order to identify educational tools and practices to support student learning in this shifting landscape. To expand this critically important literature, Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies publishes across all relevant fields of research that contribute to the understanding of the use of innovative technology in the service of education, including but not restricted to:
(1) Big data in educational learning analytics
(2) Digital and virtual learning environments and spaces
(3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational applications
(4) Educational Extended Reality (XR)
(5) Digital literacy and learning
(6) Pedagogical uses of digital technology
(7) STEM education and curriculum development
(8) Cognitive technologies
(9) Educational technologies
(10) ICT in education
(11) E-learning
(12) Innovative testing and evaluation
(13) Technology use in pre/in-service teacher education
(14) Adult education
(15) Distance and online education
(16) Emerging technologies in education
(17) Other fields about emerging technologies in education


Tutwiler, S., Tijus, C., & Chang, C.-Y. (2021). Inaugural Message from the Editors-in-Chief. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 1(1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.35745/eiet2021v01.01.0001