Research Article

Context Matters: Influence of Undergraduates’ Approaches, Experiences, and Expectations on the LA Model in Large Enrollment Science Courses

Meredith Thompson 1 * , Anthony Barrasso 2, M. Shane Tutwiler 3, Peter Garik 4, Katheryn Spilios 4
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1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA2 Bridgewater State University, USA3 University of Rhode Island, USA4 Boston University, USA* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(1), March 2022, 33-55,
Published: 30 March 2022
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The Learning Assistant (LA) model was designed to facilitate the innovative use of active learning in large lecture courses by training and integrating undergraduate near-peer instructors called Learning Assistants (LAs). We analyze the LA model in the context of the course learning activities, their influence on student outcomes, and students’ expectations for the course. We used results from a large-scale survey to model expectations, course activities, and outputs in the form of course satisfaction and final grades, and drew from interviews, classroom observations, and student focus groups to make sense of the model results. Quantitative results revealed a small positive effect of LAs on final grade when only LAs were input into the statistical model. However, when the influence of students’ perceptions of their professor, their teaching fellow (TF), and their own study habits were included, the effect of LAs was mitigated. Qualitative results showed that while undergraduates reported that they felt more comfortable asking LAs questions about course material, many still focused on grades over conceptual understanding. LAs championed small group work more than their teaching partners, but the effectiveness of the LAs to encourage group work was linked to the TF’s approach to teaching. Results suggest that the expectations of the students, teaching staff, and the course activities and assessments can impact the effectiveness of the LA model.


Thompson, M., Barrasso, A., Tutwiler, M. S., Garik, P., & Spilios, K. (2022). Context Matters: Influence of Undergraduates’ Approaches, Experiences, and Expectations on the LA Model in Large Enrollment Science Courses. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 2(1), 33-55.