Research Article

Reflections on the Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology to Morality and Rule of Law Education

Haoyu Wang 1 *
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1 Beijing No.27 High School* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 4(2), 2024, 20-23,
Published: 18 July 2024
OPEN ACCESS   283 Views   293 Downloads
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The application of virtual reality (VR) technology to practical teaching of "Morality and Rule of Law" course is to generate a learning environment generated by utilizing VR technology. The article explores the value of VR technology in its application to "Morality and Rule of Law" course in junior high school. Starting from the current situation of practical teaching in "Morality and Rule of Law" course in junior high school, it analyzes the practical value of VR technology in "Morality and Rule of Law" course. And combined with the practical application of course teaching, this article elaborates on the strategies of using VR technology to implement practical teaching in junior high school "Morality and Rule of Law" courses such as creating scenarios and enhancing experience, proactive exploration and enhancing autonomy, as well as diverse scenarios and meeting personalization. At the same time, this article analyzes the challenges brought by the integration of VR technology and morality and rule of law education in practical teaching design, moral ethics, and other aspects due to the inherent shortcomings of VR technology.


Wang, H. (2024). Reflections on the Application of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology to Morality and Rule of Law Education. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 4(2), 20-23.


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