Research Article
A Comprehensive Evaluation Scheme of Students' Classroom Learning Status Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
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1 Beijing Yuying School* Corresponding Author
Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 3(4), 2023, 1-10,
Published: 30 December 2023
OPEN ACCESS 555 Views 298 Downloads
The state of students' classroom learning refers to whether students are concentrating and listening in the class, whether they are interested in the content of the lecture, and whether they understand and master the content of the teacher’s psychological state. The research on the state of students’ classroom learning is of great significance in teaching activities. Usually, measuring students’ classroom learning status is a subjective evaluation, and it is difficult to have a quantitative description. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI)technology, a large number of modern information technologies have been applied in education and teaching. People use video images, eye tracking technology, orfacial expression recognition technology in deep learning to describe students' attention and interest in classroom learning. However, with the complexity of students' learning process, no single information technology can accurately describe students' learning status and learning performance. Therefore, when evaluating students' learning status, it is necessary to consider the students' learning status, learning process, and learning performance. To this end, we used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)to establish a mathematical model in the four dimensions of interest, pleasure, concentration, and classroom performance and homomorphically adjusted the corresponding weights of the four dimensions in evaluating students' learning status. The proposed evaluation scheme of students' classroom learning status evaluated students' classroom learning status in real-time, providing modern information technology support for improving classroom learning efficiency and the quality of education and teaching.
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